So you have never had pallet racking before for your warehouse and you would like to learn from the mistakes of others so that you are well prepared! Great, we’d like to appreciate your forward thinking. To help you, here we have shortlisted some of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to pallet racking.
Not getting regular repair:
Any damage to your pallet racking will decrease its load bearing ability. Any broken welds, bolts, or pins must be replaced right away. Where there is a considerable dent to the structure of any part of the racking, it must be replaced instantly.
Inappropriate Racking specification:
Before looking for pallet rack or warehouse racks, it is essential to be sure of the weight and size of your pallets. When contacting your Melbourne pallet racking supplier, we would recommend on analyzing the load capacity, size of space accessible, height limitations, kind of forklift truck being employed, what’s being stored & whether welded or bolted system is needed.
Considering that pallet racking is solely for large warehouses:
This is absolutely wrong. As a leading pallet racking supplier, warehouse racking and palate racking options are available for sale in Melbourne which can be customized as per your warehouse space. We offer warehouse racking to very much any specification, so that proves very effective for you in the long run.
Overlooking the height to depth ratio:
The Rack Manufacturers Institute explicates a regular height to depth proportion limit for warehouse racking. The height to depth proportion must never surpass 6:1. This entails that the height of your racking system should never go past six times in depth. Surpassing this proportion makes your racking unit less stable & more vulnerable to collapse.
Using a refurbished Racking- a bad option:
Used or second-hand warehouse racking unit don’t provide the same quality & benefit you can anticipate from a new one. If you are seeking durable, long-lasting pallet racking, then used ones are not your best bet. Though second-hand racking is considerably affordable, it’s usually in a poor state due to years of use. We suggest that you only purchase used racking if you are sure that it is in good condition. Any sort of damage on second-hand warehouse racking could cause expensive damages to your costly material if it cannot defy the load you plan on putting.
Palette Rack and Warehouse racks has different usage based on the size of space, price to invest, nature of materials to store, but ReadyRack do advise you the custom design of racks and adhere to the manufacturing standards. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at ReadyRack if you are looking for high-quality Pallet Racking for sale in Melbourne. ReadyRack is a premier manufacturer and sailor of Warehouse racks and Pallet Racks in Melbourne; besides designing top-class pallet racking we can also install them in your warehouse without any real fuss. If you’d like to get in touch with us we are always available on 1300 307 229.
Top 5 Pallet Racking Mistakes That You Want To Avoid